Canvas LMS Transition

Blackboard Retirement Resources (Student)

Upcoming Instructor Events

Starting Summer 2025, all courses using an LMS, will be in Canvas. 

Access to Blackboard ends July 15, 2025. At this time, students will lose access to all Blackboard courses. Students will not have access to any of their previous Blackboard courses in Canvas. Therefore, if you wish to keep any content (course materials or your own submissions) you must download them before July 15, 2025. Courses from Spring 2021 – Current are in Blackboard.

Note: your instructor decides to keep a course available to students or not – contact your instructor with questions about accessing a Blackboard course (also see information about accessing assignments via the Portfolio tool below). 

Portfolios: Access to all graded assignments

Blackboard tools outside of courses such as Portfolios will stop working on July 15, 2025. Portfolios can be downloaded before that date. After logging into Blackboard, choose Tools on the left menu, then Portfolios. 

Using the Portfolio tool, you can access graded assignment submissions even from Blackboard courses that are no longer available to students. After logging into Blackboard, choose Tools on the left menu, then Portfolios. Choose My Artifacts and then Add from Course. Choose a course on the left to see all graded assignment submissions. Select one or more and Submit. You can then view and download submissions one by one from the My Artifacts page. 

Incomplete Grades

If an instructor assigns you with an “Incomplete” grade for the semester and used Blackboard for instruction, please ensure you work with them to determine what work will need to be completed or submitted to receive a grade. Access to Blackboard will be removed on July 15, 2025 and you will be unable to access the content or submit assignments through Blackboard.

Additional Information

You will lose access to all files stored in your My Content area. 

Any recordings made using Blackboard/Class Collaborate will stop working after July 15, 2025. 

Any video in your Kaltura My Media library will continue to be accessible in Canvas and at