Canvas LMS Transition

Canvas Discussion Grading/Checkpoints

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In January, Canvas changed the way discussions are graded via SpeedGrader. This was caused by a newly enabled feature called Discussion Checkpoints which allows multiple Due Dates and Grades for an initial student post vs replies. While the Checkpoint feature was highly requested, Canvas did not inform schools that the option changes the way instructors grade all discussions – not just the ones that use Checkpoints. The Checkpoint option is now off in Canvas.

Now when grading discussion via SpeedGrader, instructors will only see a single student’s posts.

Instructors have reported multiple issues with this new grading and George Mason has now turned the feature off. Discussion grading via SpeedGrader is returned to the previous method – which only shows one student’s posts at a time. Canvas has promised to fix the issue and has a feedback survey for those who want to help shape grading discussions in Canvas.

If you had Checkpoint grading on in a Discussion, here is what changes you will see now that the feature is off:

  • If you had Checkpoints enabled, there is a possibility some student’s posts may not appear in SpeedGrader. Check the Discussion Board directly to confirm all student posts.
  • If you had added separate Due Dates for Post and Replies, these are removed and there will be no due date listed. You can edit the discussion and add a due date.
  • Instructors and students will see a note at the top of discussions that used Checkpoint, indicating the feature is now disabled.
  • Total possible points for the discussion is the same – the points for Reply and Additional replies are added together
  • Student grades remain the same in already graded discussions
  • Student posts that need grading will display and can be graded using the total possible points for that discussion
  • Ensure you tell students the required number of posts/replies; information (due dates and number of required replies) that was automatically added based on Checkpoint settings was removed

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please contact the ITS Support Center.